
20160616 Disciplined and Commitment - Fundamentals for Sustaining Singapore's Success

20160616 Disciplined and Committed - Fundamentals for Sustaining Singapore's Success (note 1) If we go through our recent recorded history, if there is anyone who tried his best to assist Mr Lee Hsien Loong to be a successful Prime Minister, i do not think i will be counted beyond the top five persons. (note 2) This writing becomes necessary, even as Police Officers have recently stopped addressing us as Clients. This writing becomes necessary, because  recently it was reported that ministries of National Development and Transport said in Parliament that parking prices would go up, to bring Singapore's rates in line with those of other global cities.  2016 06 23 Our economic growth is fallen behind our population expansion.  Population

20141210 Developers Declared State of Singapore Economy

20141210 Developers Declared State of Singapore Economy Real estate accounts for about half of the total fixed capital  formation.  One in 5 people in the workforce is employed by the real estate and construction industry. President Chia Boon Kuah  Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore’s (REDAS)  55th REDAS anniversary dinner at the Ritz-Carlton Great Problem Solver in Minister Khaw Minister Khaw Boon Wan has, within a short span of time, turned around housing supply from prices spinning out of control to supplies more than demand. This showed that a leader with wisdom and commitment, he can capitalize on existing infrastructure, rapidly make a land scarce island overflow with housing supply. This showed that PAP members has wisely chosen their most capable to be Chairman PAP.

20140428 Philippines Casinos sack American Managers

20140428 Philippines Casinos sack American Managers The Philippines' biggest casino announced on Monday it had begun raking in huge profits in 12 months of operations, which it said vindicated its decision to sack its American managers.

20141209 外劳没犯罪 高过罚款的人头税

20141209 外劳没犯罪  高过罚款的人头税 致新加坡共和国人力部长陈川仁先生阁下的公开信 拯救新加坡第四张发票 我不是对还未发生的事情耗不知情 我不会对我无法解决的问题提出质问 我不是来让部长们下台。我是来帮您们成为成功的领导,杰出的领导。 新加坡的状况迅速恶化,我们需要杰出的领导 新加坡在没有外来的压力下,自我毁灭,国内外友人都已经看得很清楚。 在这恶劣情况下,我们更要珍惜每一个人来拯救祖国。 听说您考虑对失火劳工房的房东罚款,我敦请阁下考虑以下数点后,才以您的智慧做出明智的决定: 1. 绝大部分外劳没有犯罪,但他们每个月缴交的人头税,(不论是工人还是老板还, 都是膨胀生产成本)都超过他们在新加坡长期逗留期间因犯罪而缴交的罚款。 2. 人头税是反映外劳对社会、房屋、交通等增加的负荷。 3. 人头税因此是责任性亏欠 (liabilities) , 不是贵政府的收入, 更不是利润。 4. 人力部因此除了用人头税来化解社会负担,没有权利把人头税用在其他方面。 5. 贵政府必要用人头税来提供住房给外劳。 6. 因为贵政府,只有贵政府是唯一从人头税获益的个体,也是唯一可以任意调整人头税,收取人头税,规定他人准时缴交人头税的权威。 7. 交通部必要研究如何应用人头税来提供交通给外劳上下班,基本和原始的娱乐。 8. 新加坡人因此不需负担扩建公路、地铁、公共交通等国家投资。 9. 地铁公司必要从人力部吸取款项来交给交通部七百五十万(一年内前的一百五十万大跃进)来督促地铁公司的服务水平。 陈先生,很多人认为你们这群军人不会管理社会,我不认同。 我就帮过眼科医生,应用眼疾的常识来解释为什么新加坡的水道是像病态的眼睛血管,您的眼科专家出身的水务部长同僚就成功运用,还谢谢了我。

20141209 Foreigners Committed No Crimes, Levy Higher than Fines

20141209 Foreigners Committed No Crimes, Levy Higher than Fines Open Letter to Mr Tan Chuan Jin, Minister of Manpower Saving Singapore Invoice Number 4 I come not without knowing what is to come. I come not to criticize issues that i have no solutions. I come not to reject you as leaders, but to assist you to become a leader, great leader. Singapore situation is deteriorating rapidly, we need great leader. Singapore is performing unforced self-destruction, the dire situation is now clear. At this moment, every Singaporean is precious to save our nation, our mother land . This is regarding your intention to fine owners for over crowded hostel. May i encourage you to make your wise, responsible decision ONLY after considering the followings: 1. If the workers can afford better, more spacious quarters, then would this happen ? 2. Most foreigners committed no crimes, but   every mon

20140501 Speaking to May Day Rally

20140501 Speaking to May Day Rally

20130126 China Embassy on Bus Driver

20130126 China Embassy on Bus Driver l 有关中国巴士司机。。。其中教训值得总结 有关当局切实解决引发此案的根源性问题,避免类似事件再度发生 Regarding Chinese Bus Driver this lesson must be concluded Relevant authority must resolve the root cause of this problem, to avoid repeat of similar happenings.